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Nov 26, 2015

kawah putih

Kawah Putih Bandung Ciwidey

An Kawah Putih Bandung Ciwidey attractions duo who became one of the places to and already famous in Bandung. A tourist attraction that has

Beauty and natural pesnona owned Kawah Putih Bandung able to attract tourists from outside Bandung brasal to foreign countries. Tour group coming for a vacation to the tourist attractions Ciwidey many who choose to use the services of travel, this can save time and do not need to bother with the instructions of transportation to get to the location of white Ciwidey crater.

White crater Ciwidey in a mountainous region which has an altitude of more than 2,400 meters above sea level. With the altitude, the air temperature in the White Crater of course cold with a temperature of 8 degrees Celsius to 22 degrees Celsius, therefore, do not forget to bring a jacket or wear thick clothing to protect your skin from the cold.

In addition to its beauty to be enjoyed by the tourists, White crater Ciwidey also often the place of other activities, such as filming, painting, wedding photos, up to climbing and horse riding activities.

History Kawah Putih

Stories about Kawah Putih began in the 10th century where there is a severe eruption by Patuha. After this eruption, many people assume that this location is haunted region because every bird that flew past the region will die.

Over time, the confidence of the haunted this place began to fade, until finally in 1837 there was a botanist with the German national came to the region to conduct research. Researcher named Dr. Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn is very interested in the desolate mountain region which is not even a bird flying over it so he went around the village to look for information. At that time, all the information he got was that the kasawan haunted and inhabited by spirits.

For Dr. Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn, the local community statement is absurd. Because it does not believe these stories, he went into the jungle to find out what was there. Long story short, eventually Dr. Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn managed to reach the top of the mountain, and from there he saw where a wonderful lake is white with a pungent sulfur smell.

Since then, the existence of the White crater Ciwidey became famous and started from 1987, the government develop this area as a tourist spot that offers a unique experience of seeing the lake which can change color.

When viewed from a distance, the crater will be white, and if in the approach it will be greenish.

White crater in contrast to Tangkuban boat, if Maras only be seen from above, then in the White crater we could go straight down the kekawah and immortalize wonderful moments with family, girlfriend and friends.

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